Tuesday Tales
This is me, taking a selfie with my Uncle Clint. He is 94...and a half. He's at that age when it's appropriate to start counting half-years, cuz they matter like we did when we were under 10.
This was taken 6 years ago. I was driving back to MN from one of my many road trips out east, and took the slightly long way through the tiny town of Streator IL just so I could meet this guy for lunch.
Uncle Clint is my dad's elder brother, and his only living sibling (of eight kids total)...and this man has SPUNK and ZEST for living.
He married his high school sweetheart, who was also his next-door neighbor. She was the essence of the girl-next-door, and ten times spunkier than he.
This visit was only an hour or so, on my way from here to there. And it was a moment in time that I'll never forget. I surprised him. He didn't know I was stopping to visit.
The look in our eyes and smiles on our faces says it all. Me...adoring him. He...grateful for a sliver of experience with a niece he rarely sees.
Life is about the little moments. The ones you create. By being intentional with those you love, and meet, and greet.